Business School (The Office)
"Business School" is the seventeenth episode of the third season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's forty-fifth episode overall. Written by Brent Forrester, and directed by Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Firefly creator Joss Whedon, the episode aired on NBC on February 15, 2007.
In the episode, Michael is invited by Ryan to speak to his business school class. When many of the students question the usefulness of paper in a computerized world, Michael attempts to inform the class of how essential paper is. Meanwhile, a bat becomes trapped in the office, leading Dwight and Creed on a mission to protect the employees.
Ryan Howard (B. J. Novak) invites Michael Scott (Steve Carell) to speak at his business school class. Michael is excited, but Ryan admits in a talking head interview that he has only invited Michael because his professor promised to bump up the grade of any student who brings his boss into class. Later, before Ryan introduces Michael to his classmates, Ryan predicts that Dunder Mifflin will become obsolete within five to ten years. Michael, who was out of hearing range during this speech, proceeds to ruin the event with his antics (including tearing pages out of a student's textbook to prove you "can't learn from textbooks"). Michael is then taken aback when one of Ryan's classmates asks for Michael's opinion of Ryan's prediction. Infuriated and hurt, Michael punishes Ryan by relocating his desk to the "annex," where Kelly Kapoor (Mindy Kaling) works, who babbles uncontrollably in excitement.